Many people may be deciding if it’s the right time to file for bankruptcy as a result of even more financial hardship created by the COVID-19 crisis.
Others may have already been thinking about bankruptcy but have not yet made a move, or don’t know where to start.
During the Covid19 Crisis, You can still file for Bankruptcy.
Filing for bankruptcy at the moment is still possible. Bankruptcy courts remain open, though all business is conducted over the phone. New cases might not move along as quickly as they would under other circumstances, but filing for bankruptcy right now can still offer relief.
One of the most beneficial aspects of bankruptcy – the automatic stay – still goes into effect when file. A “Stay” means you’ll no longer need to deal with calls from creditors and bill collectors amid the pandemic.
Don’t wait for a stimulus payment before filing or wonder if the promised Federal or State relief payments may be enough to prevent bankruptcy. Deciding sooner than later may leave you in much better shape later, if you make a decision about filing now. Some people may even use their stimulus relief payment to pay the fees associated with filing bankruptcy, Either way, you should not delay making a decision to (or not to) file simply because the government has promised you some help in the future.
What is Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is a legal vehicle that provides relief to individuals and businesses in serious financial trouble. Generally, the bankruptcy process assesses the debtor’s assets and liabilities and provides a structure within which you are allowed to keep your property and pay the expenses you can afford, according to an order of priority established by law. The remaining debts are released.
Will Bankruptcy affect me for the rest of my life?
Some individuals believe that by filing for bankruptcy they will be affected for life. Nothing could be further from the truth. The traditional stigma of bankruptcy has faded and been replaced by the view that it is a fresh start after a time of trouble. We can provide you with numerous examples of individuals and businesses that have filed for bankruptcy and later achieved financial success.
The laws surrounding bankruptcy have been established to allow each individual a new opportunity to start fresh without an overwhelming financial burden. By filing bankruptcy you will provide yourself with an opportunity to free yourself from all or most of your debt that you have incurred. This will help you re-start your life fresh and take advantage of the lessons you have learned.
When will creditors stop harassing me?
The moment you file for bankruptcy, the credit collection agencies must cease hassling you immediately and deal with us. Rather than worrying day after day at home or work, contact us to discus your options today for free at To set up your free case evaluation, email us at info@rohanilawgroup.com or call us at 949-545-8458.
Chapter 7 or 13?
We will listen to your problems and advise you on all the possible options. Even though filing for bankruptcy is not pleasant, the benefits are immediate when you receive the relief provided by the Court. You get to go home and rest maybe for the first time in a long time knowing that you will receive a fresh start with expenses that you can afford and maintain. In many cases filing for bankruptcy is a life saver when there are no other options left.

A lot of people file Chapter 7 bankruptcy and just have their debts wiped clean. They get a fresh start that way, but not everyone is eligible. For people who are earning steady wages, Chapter 13 is an option because it allows a person to come up with a plan to repay a portion of the debts that are owed and receive a complete discharge of the debts. You may also be able to keep your house, car and other assets. In order to decide which option is right for you, you will need to see a lawyer.
Do not attempt this on your own!
Filing for bankruptcy is not something that you should try to do on your own. You will need a lot of paperwork. You have to itemize your debts and your income and provide all of your financial transactions that you have taken part in during the last two years.
Who to Contact.
If you have experienced unexpected and extreme financial shock, caused by sudden events such as job loss, increase in mortgage payment, business failure, death, divorce or illness, filing bankruptcy may be the right solution for you. If you are facing serious financial challenges, it is very important to seek the counsel of an experienced bankruptcy attorney to help you to assess your legal options. We can assist you in determining whether or not to file for bankruptcy and, if so, to file for bankruptcy, relieving you of your debt and reestablishing your credit and financial health after the bankruptcy.
What information will I need?
You will need income tax statements, car titles, and a lot of other financial information. You will have to follow the guidelines that the state has set out regarding your exemptions and adhere to the schedule that is designed for you. We are here to assist you in that process.
Filing for bankruptcy will relieve the mental and emotional stress you are going through, stop your wage garnishments and the hassles associated with debts collectors. The moment you file for bankruptcy, the credit collection agencies must cease hassling you immediately and deal with us. Rather than worrying day after day at home or work, come and discus your options with us today for free.
Don’t Wait – Call our office at 949-545-8458
or send us a message right now.
We will listen to your problems and advise you on all the possible options. Even though filing for bankruptcy is not pleasant, the benefits are immediate when you receive the relief provided by the Court. You get to go home and rest maybe for the first time in a long time knowing that you will receive a fresh start with expenses that you can afford and maintain. In many cases filing for bankruptcy is a life saver when there are no other options left. Email or call our offices today to schedule a free consultation so that you can take control of your life with a better financial perspective.